Paint Shows, Awards, Membership & FUN!
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Hello Fellow Paint Horse Enthusiasts: Welcome to the Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club! If you are not a member of the Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club, this is our invitation to you. Join us in promoting the Paint Horse and enjoy the many activities we offer in the atmosphere of excitement that surrounds this breed.
Check out the 2025 Margarita show's Youth Scholarship fundraiser.
The Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club was formed in 1965, making it the oldest Paint Horse club in the American Paint Horse Association: the fastest growing and second largest breed registry in the world. The GCPHC currently has over 175 families as members. The Club holds regularly scheduled meetings in the Houston area and keep up with member's clubs activities on our In the News page.
Throughout the year members have the opportunity to attend APHA approved shows in our area which are also GCPHC sanctioned, thereby, earning points not only toward the National awards, but also for our individual Club honors.
A very important part of the Club is our Youth. Many of the top Youth in the Nation call GCPHC home. In 1990, the Club started a Youth Scholarship Fund, which will award scholarship money to the Youth within our club for education expenses. Check our Youth page for much more.
GCPHC has many exciting shows and activities this year. Visit the Shows/Points page for all our upcoming shows.
Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club