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BOD meetings are always open to all GCPHC members. Dates/times and locations are subject to change, so call a director for any changes. We would like to thank all guests for taking the time to attend. Your comments and support are always greatly appreciated and welcomed!


There are no meetings during  June or July due to Paint & Pinto World Show conflicts.

Additional Paint
Club Links

Our Brick at the New APHA Office

2021 Officers & Directors


President: Kevin Smith

Vice President: Maggie Griffin

Secretary: Cathy Sasser

Treasurer: Sally Griffin



Sally Griffin

Maggie Griffin

Rick McLain

Denise Armstrong
Cathy Sasser

Kevin Smith



Emeritus Tom Stiefel


Youth Coordinator

Tina Kallus


APHA National Directors

Denise Armstrong

Sally Griffin

Kevin Smith

Janice Stiefel

Cathy Sasser


GCjPHC Officers

President - Raegan Watson

Vice President - Tegan Goble

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Vacant

Reporter - Vacant


Zone Reps

Kevin Smith

Rick McLain

Sally Griffin

The following downloads require Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have an Acrobat Reader, you may download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat by clicking here.


2024 GCPHC's: By-Laws and Rules-of-Order

2020 Committee Members

ADVERTISING                           DENISE WHITTON 


AWARDS                                    SALLY GRIFFIN                          KEVIN SMITH   
                                                                                                       DENISE ARMSTRONG


SPORTSMANSHIP &                SALLY GRIFFIN                          KEVIN SMITH




NOMINATING                          THE GC MEMBERSHIP


POINTSKEEPER                        DIANE GAGE


PROMOTION                            DENISE ARMSTRONG              

MEMBERSHIP   &                     RICK MCLAIN                 



SHOWS  &  JUDGES                 KEVIN SMITH                            
                                                   SALLY GRIFFIN 


WAYS & MEANS                       B.O.D. 


WEBMASTER                            DENISE WHITTON 


YOUTH                                      TINA KALLUS                 



COMMITTEE                           CHAIR                                        MEMBERS
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